Friday, August 01, 2014

My Coin Banks

Hi everybody, my cousin helped my come up with the idea of this post. So to my cousin, you know who you are. So today I'm just going to talk about my coin banks, nothing really big, just my 2 coin banks. So lets get started...

 So this one is just a small little piggy bank I got when I went to St. Louis. It's is a cute little thing though, and I love it.

Know this one is just a ceramic cupcake bank that we bought and painted at Art 4 Soul (that is a really cool place).
                                                                                                    With Cuteness
                                                                                                   - Rebecca J.


  1. Yea I know who I am and I love the post girl

    1. Thanks, I didn't even think of doing a post about this


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