Thursday, July 31, 2014

An Intro to Kawaii

Hi, it's me! Rebecca J. from my other blog Rebecca's Review, there I post restaurant reviews. Well now I have a Kawaii blog called Rebecca's Kawaii Review. If you are unfamiliar to kawaii or just don't know what it is here's and explanation: Kawaii comes from a Japanese word that means cute. But what kind of stuff is kawaii you may ask? Well, things like Hello Kitty, Rilakkuma, and Totoro ( just look these up). But it's not just for Japanese girls, there are girls from all around the world who love kawaii stuff just like me. Now, if you are unfamiliar to my other blog and are unfamiliar to me here's a bit about me: My name is Rebecca and I'm 11 years old, I like food so I review it, and my other blog is about to have it's 2nd Blogaversary. So this is it this the blog where I will do kawaii hauls, D.I.Y kawaii projects, and kawaii reviews. So thanks for reading. Bye.

                                                                        With Cuteness
                                                                           -Rebecca J

              P.S. Check out my first blog at


  1. Hi I'm a fan of your other blog now i'm a fan of this one too!!!!! rock on Rebeca j!!!


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